Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oh Yes They Did!!!!

We might as well all give up the title to Maui Challenge Champion because Sean and Keenan both successfully passed their 3rd degree black belt test on May 1.  As the wife of one of these fine gentleman and the brother of the other, I must say that I am very proud of them and all the work they put into this over the last couple of months.  This is the toughest level to pass thru of all of the levels in Shorinji Kempo and they rose to the task.  They were practicing at every opportunity, studying every spare second, living and breathing Kempo to prepare.  Lucy and I will both attest to that!!  
As far as their fitness level goes, Keenan said that he has not been this fit possibly in his entire life and Sean has been tightening up his belt so much that he'll have to add another notch soon (only to the leather belt, mind you...).   But are these guys just kicking back now, content with themselves and no longer motivated?  Of course not!  The test has inspired them to work on the areas of the test that were difficult for them.  


  1. Hear, hear! I second that. Congrats to our boys! Yay! (And AWESOME pic!)

  2. I second Lucy and Christie and say TOTALLY AWESOME!! You guys have got to be WAY proud!! I know I am (of you guys that is!)

  3. If you can break a board then I'll be amazed
