Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ch-Ch-Ch Changes....A report from the field

I received a report from Patty letting me know her progress on the Maui Challenge but intimidated by the world of blogging.  With her permission, I will blog on her behalf.

Patty has valiantly abstained from chardonnay for an entire week.  This far exceeds her goal which was to limit herself to just one glass of wine on weeknights.  Nice job Patty!!  In addition, she plans to give up another "ch" for this week; either chips or chocolate.  She asked for my advice on which one to give up and I told her to go for her true weakness which is of course chips. Ever the trooper, she emailed back in I think less than a second and agreed.  She promises to update us on her exercise progress as well.   

Let's hope she doesn't decide to give up CHristie!!

1 comment:

  1. Go, Patty! A whole week without wine?! That's truly a commendable effort! Keep up the good work!
