Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Maui Challenge according to Benjamin Button

Ironically, I come into the Maui Challenge in about as good a shape as I have been in since our Shorinji Kempo training camp last fall (see picture. Note: person in picture may or may not represent actual poster). My latest challenge began about a month ago when Sean and I began training extra hard for our 3rd degree black belt test, meaning we have been living and breathing kempo for the last few weeks. Our test is coming up at the beginning of May, which means that after that point I will have no real reason to continue exercising or trying to improve myself. I mean I’m already there, right? Isn’t that how this stuff works?

That being said, out of respect and fairness for all of those who have come into this challenge later than I have (and possibly due to my inherent laziness), I will slowly work myself back out of shape until we get to Maui. Hopefully not regressing completely to Thanksgiving/Christmas, soft and cuddly, cookie monster form. Not helping my situation is a minor surgical procedure on my leg in mid-May that will keep me out of the strenuous exercise loop for three or four weeks.

Keep in mind when we arrive in Maui, however, that things may look slightly different than you are used to. Due to the high moisture content in the air and the magnifying effect of the suspended water molecules, people in Maui may appear larger than they actually are. I am not sure how this will affect muscle definition and tone, but there may be a slight dulling or cheesecloth-like effect that blurs or distorts my rippling abs and lats (or, I may just be rainbow colored). I hope I am wrong. In any event, if you don’t recognize me from the picture above, just look for the whitest guy there.

1 comment:

  1. I like that thing about the suspended water molecules magnifying people. I wish I had thought of that years ago.
